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IMSBC Code (Amdt 06-21), 2022 Edition
he *International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code* (IMSBC Code), adopted on 4 December 2008 by resolution MSC.268(85), entered into force on 1 January 2011, from which date it was made mandatory under the provisions of the SOLAS Convention. The
present edition incorporates amendment 06-21, which may be applied from 1 January 2023 on a voluntary basis, anticipating
its envisaged official entry into force on 1 December 2023.
This publication also presents additional information that
supplements the IMSBC Code, such as the *Code of Practice for
the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers* (BLU Code,
including BLU Manual) and Recommendations on the safe use of
pesticides in ships applicable to the fumigation of cargo holds.
The IMSBC Code and supplement is commended to Administrations,
shipowners, shippers and masters and all others concerned with
the standards to be applied in the safe stowage and shipment of
solid bulk cargoes, excluding grain.
present edition incorporates amendment 06-21, which may be applied from 1 January 2023 on a voluntary basis, anticipating
its envisaged official entry into force on 1 December 2023.
This publication also presents additional information that
supplements the IMSBC Code, such as the *Code of Practice for
the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers* (BLU Code,
including BLU Manual) and Recommendations on the safe use of
pesticides in ships applicable to the fumigation of cargo holds.
The IMSBC Code and supplement is commended to Administrations,
shipowners, shippers and masters and all others concerned with
the standards to be applied in the safe stowage and shipment of
solid bulk cargoes, excluding grain.
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This publication presents engineering specifications for fire safety equipment and systems required by SOLAS chapter II-2 concerning:
- international shore connections
- personnel protection
- fire extinguishers
- fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
- fixed foam fire-extinguishing systems
- fixed pressure water-spraying and water-mist fire-extinguishing systems
- automatic sprinkler, fire detection and fire alarm systems
- fixed fire detection and fire alarm systems
- sample extraction smoke detection systems
- low-location lighting systems
- fixed emergency fire pumps
- arrangement of means of escape
- fixed deck foam systems
- inert gas systems
- fixed hydrocarbon gas detection systems.