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Poster: Symbols related to Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements
Full-colour poster showing the symbols related to life-saving appliances and arrangements
recommended for use in accordance with regulation III/9 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended,
indicating the location of emergency equipment and assembly and embarkation stations as adopted by
resolution A.760(18), and as amended by MSC.82(70) and adopted by resolution A.1116(30).
As per resolution A.1111(30), the signage in this poster should take effect on ships constructed on or
after 1 January 2019 or ships which undergo repairs, alterations, modifications and outfitting within the
scope of SOLAS chapters II-2 and/or III, as applicable, on or after 1 January 2019.
recommended for use in accordance with regulation III/9 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended,
indicating the location of emergency equipment and assembly and embarkation stations as adopted by
resolution A.760(18), and as amended by MSC.82(70) and adopted by resolution A.1116(30).
As per resolution A.1111(30), the signage in this poster should take effect on ships constructed on or
after 1 January 2019 or ships which undergo repairs, alterations, modifications and outfitting within the
scope of SOLAS chapters II-2 and/or III, as applicable, on or after 1 January 2019.
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Availability: 3 In Stock
The *Mission Coordination* volume assists personnel who plan and
coordinate SAR operations and exercises.
A new edition of the IAMSAR Manual is published every three years. The
2022 edition includes amendments, adopted by the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) and approved by the Maritime Safety
Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) at its 103rd
session in May 2021 by means of MSC.1/Circ.1640, which become applicable
on 1 June 2022.
Availability: Out of stock
Port State control inspections contribute to ensuring that global
maritime standards are being implemented consistently on all ships. This
publication provides guidance for port State control officers on the
conduct of inspections to support harmonization in the way inspections
are carried out worldwide.
This edition includes amendments to the *Guidelines for investigations
and inspections carried out under MARPOL Annex II* (appendix 4), the
*Guidelines for control of operational requirements* (appendix 7) and
the *Guidelines for port State control under MARPOL Annex VI* (appendix