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Termometry , Higrometry, Barografy

Aktywne filtry

Barograf 207 MQ

3 840,00 zł
Availability: 1 In Stock
Sensor - 7 aneroid capsules ±0.7 hPa Measuring ranges - 955 to 1055 hPa 0 to 150 m above sea level Electronic quartz clockwork - revolution times changeable: daily revolution 25.6 h, - weekly revolution 176 h, monthly revolution 783 h - autonomous operation 12 month with battery type LR6 Registration drum - height 93 mm diameter 93.3 mm - height of registration 80 mm - chart division 1 hPa Accessories (contained in delivery) - 60 sheets of chart paper for weekly revolution - 2 pieces of fibre tips - battery type LR6 (electronically quartz clockwork)

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