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Facilitation Convention (FAL), 2017 Edycja
This consolidated edition of the FAL Convention includes the 2016 amendments adopted by FAL 40
which enter into force 1 January 2018.
These amendments introduce new definitions. Electronic exchange of information will be mandatory
from 9 April 2019 with a transition period of no less than 12 months. The text recommends the use of
‘Single Window’ systems and has been revised in a gender-neutral format. Three additional documents
have been introduced for ship’s clearance: Security-related information as required under SOLAS
regulation XI-2/9.2.2, Advance electronic cargo information for customs risk assessment purposes, and
Advanced Notification Form for Waste Delivery to Port Reception Facilities. Additional guarantees have
been included relating to the shore leave of crew members. IMO FAL forms have been revised.
which enter into force 1 January 2018.
These amendments introduce new definitions. Electronic exchange of information will be mandatory
from 9 April 2019 with a transition period of no less than 12 months. The text recommends the use of
‘Single Window’ systems and has been revised in a gender-neutral format. Three additional documents
have been introduced for ship’s clearance: Security-related information as required under SOLAS
regulation XI-2/9.2.2, Advance electronic cargo information for customs risk assessment purposes, and
Advanced Notification Form for Waste Delivery to Port Reception Facilities. Additional guarantees have
been included relating to the shore leave of crew members. IMO FAL forms have been revised.
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Availability: 1 In Stock
SafetyNET is an international automatic direct-printing satellite-based
service for the promulgation of maritime safety information including
navigational warnings and meteorological information and other urgent
safety-related messages to ships, as well as search and rescue-related
information, and fulfils an integral role in the Global Maritime
Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
This edition of the Manual, renamed the *International SafetyNET
Services Manual*, incorporates changes introduced to the Inmarsat
satellite network and services including the Inmarsat Fleet Safety
service, which has been recognized as a mobile satellite service for use
in the GMDSS by adoption of resolution MSC.450(99).
Availability: Out of stock
Port State control inspections contribute to ensuring that global
maritime standards are being implemented consistently on all ships. This
publication provides guidance for port State control officers on the
conduct of inspections to support harmonization in the way inspections
are carried out worldwide.
This edition includes amendments to the *Guidelines for investigations
and inspections carried out under MARPOL Annex II* (appendix 4), the
*Guidelines for control of operational requirements* (appendix 7) and
the *Guidelines for port State control under MARPOL Annex VI* (appendix