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Havneguiden 2 Landesund - Lindesnes
The Danish south-east coast of the Oslofjord is much easier to conquer when Havneguide 2 is allowed to accompany you
In this Norwegian-produced harbour guide you ll be introduced to 293 harbours anchorages and natural harbours. All harbours are presented by means of large-scale map sketches and well-resolved aerial photographs. In addition to nautical information such as approach (with waypoint) anchoring and supply possibilities the texts also contain a general section with information on the respective location. Where available the website and telephone number are also given. The use of maps aerial photographs and pictograms throughout makes the book very easy to use even without knowledge of the Norwegian language.
93 harbours and anchoragesin Norwegian with short texts in English
308 Pages
practical spiral binding
Size A4
Podobne z kategorii
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: Out of stock
Edycja: 2023