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Manual on Oil Pollution: Section IV – Combating Oil Spills, 2005 Edycja
This edition of Section IV draws on the experience and lessons learned by Governments and industry
in responding to marine oil pollution world-wide during the past thirty years. It builds on earlier
editions, and provides a clear and concise overview of the present level of knowledge, expertise and
understanding in the field of oil spill response.
It covers the behaviour and fate of different types of oil when spilled and the effects on marine and
coastal resources, and includes new chapters on burning in situ and bioremediation measures.
in responding to marine oil pollution world-wide during the past thirty years. It builds on earlier
editions, and provides a clear and concise overview of the present level of knowledge, expertise and
understanding in the field of oil spill response.
It covers the behaviour and fate of different types of oil when spilled and the effects on marine and
coastal resources, and includes new chapters on burning in situ and bioremediation measures.
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