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Hamnguiden 5 Göteborg - Svinesund
The Gothenburg - Svinesund Harbour Guide takes you directly to the beautiful archipelago of Swedens west coast from Gothenburg to just before the Oslo Fjord. This cruising guide contains a number of fantastic harbours as well as route suggestions that deviate from the usual ones. Just flicking through the pages encourages you to cast off. Designed by water sports enthusiasts for water sports enthusiasts photographed and brought into shape. This book is simply not to be missed anywhere.All harbours are presented by means of large-scale sketch maps and well-resolved annotated aerial photographs.
270 harbours anchorages and natural ports are brought to you.
In addition to nautical information such as approach (with waypoint) anchoring and supply possibilities the texts also each contain a general section with information on the respective location.
Where available website and telephone number are also given.
270 harbours anchorages and natural ports are brought to you.
In addition to nautical information such as approach (with waypoint) anchoring and supply possibilities the texts also each contain a general section with information on the respective location.
Where available website and telephone number are also given.
270 ports and anchorages in Swedish
287 pages Spiral binding
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Availability: Out of stock
Edycja: 2022/2023
Availability: Out of stock
Edycja: 2015/2016
Availability: Out of stock
Edycja: 2023
Availability: Out of stock
Edycja: 2022