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Cruising the Coral Coast - Queensland Coast - New Guinea to Brisbane
Edycja: 2014
First published in 1968, this book has reached its eighth edition and remains the only guide to cover the whole of the east coast of Queensland, the Torres Strait and the Great Barrier Reef. The current edition, updated to 2014, includes notes on the Gulf of Carpentaria and the Coral Sea. This edition is the biggest yet with larger, more detailed charts and more ports and anchorages than in previous editions. It's as close to a must have guide as your ever likely to find if your plans include cruising along the Queensland Coast.
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Availability: Out of stock
Part B – Safety and Health Requirements for the Construction and Equipment of Fishing Vessels, 2005
Availability: Out of stock
Kamizelka dla psa • Kolor: Pomarańczowy • Waga: 40+ kg • Rozmiar: XL