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Guidance for Dredged Materials, 2009 Edycja
The guidance assists regulators and policy makers on the selection of Action Lists and the development
of Action Levels for dredged material proposed for disposal at sea. An Action List is a set of chemicals of
concern, biological responses of concern, or other characteristics that can be used for screening dredged
material for their potential effects on human health and on the marine environment. Action Levels
establish thresholds that provide decision points that determine whether sediments can or cannot be
disposed of at sea.
This publication includes texts in English, French and Spanish.
of Action Levels for dredged material proposed for disposal at sea. An Action List is a set of chemicals of
concern, biological responses of concern, or other characteristics that can be used for screening dredged
material for their potential effects on human health and on the marine environment. Action Levels
establish thresholds that provide decision points that determine whether sediments can or cannot be
disposed of at sea.
This publication includes texts in English, French and Spanish.