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RYA Introduction to Radar (G34)
Follows the syllabus of the RYA One-Day Radar Course and is ideal for anyone requiring a working knowledge of radar.
To get the best from your set you need to understand what it is and what it can and can't do. This book was written to accompany the RYA one day training course but is also useful as a quick and easy reference guide. In clear and easy language it offers a background briefing, which explains what radar is and how it works. It then explains its use on a small boat, giving an honest appraisal of the operational limitations you might encounter. Further chapters cover switching on and setting up, refining and understanding the picture, blind areas, different types of radar reflector and their limitations, how to fix radar positions, pilotage by radar and collision avoidance. All in all, this book provides you with a very accessible introduction to radar on small boats with clear and unambirguous text and accompanying illustrations.
In 2007 this title was published in German by Delius Klasing.
To get the best from your set you need to understand what it is and what it can and can't do. This book was written to accompany the RYA one day training course but is also useful as a quick and easy reference guide. In clear and easy language it offers a background briefing, which explains what radar is and how it works. It then explains its use on a small boat, giving an honest appraisal of the operational limitations you might encounter. Further chapters cover switching on and setting up, refining and understanding the picture, blind areas, different types of radar reflector and their limitations, how to fix radar positions, pilotage by radar and collision avoidance. All in all, this book provides you with a very accessible introduction to radar on small boats with clear and unambirguous text and accompanying illustrations.
In 2007 this title was published in German by Delius Klasing.