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Mapa elektroniczna Navionics+ Indian Ocean & South China Sea
Mapa wybrzeża Azji Południowej i Oceanu Indyjskiego od Gwadaru w Pakistanie do Da Nang w Wietnamie i Morza Południowochińskiego. Obejmuje Indie, Cejlon, Bangladesz, Myanmar, Tajlandię, Malezję, Singapur, Kambodżę, Indonezję, Brunei, Filipiny, Wyspy Andamańskie i Nikobarskie, Wyspy Kokosowe, Wyspę Bożego Narodzenia oraz Malediwy. Objęte są również jeziora Pangong i Spanggur.
Podobne z kategorii
Availability: 9 In Stock
Detailed coverage of the coasts of Norway and Sweden from Flekkefjord, Norway to Ystad, Sweden and the entire coast of Denmark. Coverage includes the Limfjord, the Kattegat, the Orosund, Læsø, Bornholm and Lakes Fryken, Siljan, Vänern, Vättern, Mjörn, Sommen, Nommen, and Bolmen in Sweden. Ports include Oslo and Kristiansand, Norway; Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark and Gothenburg and Malmö, Sweden.
Availability: Out of stock
Detailed coverage of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Coverage includes the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, Gibraltar, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Crete, Cyprus, the Dardanelles, the Bosporos, the Sea of Azov, the Dneiper River to the Kyivs'ke Reservoir, the Danube River to Passau, Germany, Lake Balaton, Lake Garda, Lake Como and Lake Maggiore. Ports include Cadiz and Barcelona, Spain; Monaco; Marseille and Toulon, France; Genoa, Naples, Taranto and Venice, Italy; Istanbul, Turkey; Odessa, Ukraine; Tunis, Tunisia and Algiers, Algeria.
Availability: 1 In Stock
Detailed coverage of the Baltic Sea and lakes of Scandinavia and Poland. Coverage includes the Gulfs of Bothnia, Finland and Riga; the Masurian Lakes in Poland, the Szczecin Lagoon, Lake Peipus; Lakes Mjøsa, Bandak and Norsjø in Norway; Lakes Vänern, Vättern, Siljan and Storavan in Sweden; Inarijarvi, Miekojarvi, Simojarvi, and Kiantajarvi in Finland among many others. Ports include Oslo, Norway; Malmo and Stockholm, Sweden; Oulu and Helsinki, Finland; St Petersburg and Kaliningrad, Russia; Gdansk, Poland.
Availability: Out of stock
Detailed coverage of the entire U.S. coasts, lakes, rivers and inland waterways, plus Alaska and Hawaii. Canada coverage of coastal British Columbia, the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence Seaway, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Coverage includes Bermuda, the Bahamas, Baja California, the Gulf of California, Johnston Atoll and Palmyra Atoll/Kingman Reef.