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Navionics+ Zatoka Fińska i Ryga
Detailed coverage of the Gulf of Finland from Åland to and including St. Petersburg, Russia; the Gulf of Riga; Lakes Peipus and the Narva River. Coverage includes the ports of Turku, Helsinki and Kotka, Finland; Vyborg, Kronstadt and Lomonosov, Russia; Tallinn, Estonia and Riga and Ventspils, Latvia.
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Availability: Out of stock
Detailed coverage of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Coverage includes the Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands, Gibraltar, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Malta, Crete, Cyprus, the Dardanelles, the Bosporos, the Sea of Azov, the Dneiper River to the Kyivs'ke Reservoir, the Danube River to Passau, Germany, Lake Balaton, Lake Garda, Lake Como and Lake Maggiore. Ports include Cadiz and Barcelona, Spain; Monaco; Marseille and Toulon, France; Genoa, Naples, Taranto and Venice, Italy; Istanbul, Turkey; Odessa, Ukraine; Tunis, Tunisia and Algiers, Algeria.
Availability: Out of stock
Coastal coverage of the coast of Africa from Tripoli, Libya thru the Red Sea and around the Cape to Dakar, Senegal including the Suez Canal and the Levant, the coast of the Arabian Peninsula, the Persian Gulf, Madagascar, Socotra, Zanzibar, Reunion, Mauritius, the Seychelles, the Comoros, the Prince Edward Islands, Tristan de Cunha, St Helena Island, Ascension Island, the Cape Verde Islands, Malta and Cyprus. Coverage of ports such as Alexandria, Egypt; Djibouti; Manama, Bahrain; Dubai; Cape Town, South Africa and Lagos, Nigeria are included.
Availability: Out of stock
Detailed coverage of the Skagerrak and Kattegat and the approaches to them. Coverage includes the Scandinavian coast from Kristiansund, Norway to Gavle, Sweden; the Aland Islands; Turku, Finland; Gotland and Bornholm Islands; the Szczecin Lagoon; the Kiel Canal and all of Denmark. Ports include Oslo, Norway; Malmo and Stockholm, Sweden; Copenhagen and Aarhus, Denmark and Hamburg, Germany. Lakes include but are not limited to Lakes Vänern, Vättern, Mjörn, Sommen and Uddjuar in Sweden and Lakes Mjøsa, Bandak, Flåvatn, Norsjø and the Telemark Canal in Norway.
Availability: Out of stock
Coastal coverage of Mexico, Central America and Brazil. Coverage includes the US Gulf Coast and the eastern US coast to Savannah, GA; Bermuda; the Bahamas; Cuba; Hispaniola; Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands; the Windward and Leeward Islands; Jamaica; the Panama Canal, the western coast of South America to Arica, Chile; the Galapagos Islands; the Revillagigedo Islands; the Ilha Fernando de Noronha; the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago and the Rocas Atoll.
Availability: 4 In Stock
Coastal coverage of the Baltic Sea coasts of Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia from the German border to Narva-Jõesuu, EE and the lakes and rivers of Poland, Belarus and the Baltic States. Coverage includes the Gulf of Riga, the Szczecin, Vistula and Kurshskiy Lagoons, the islands of Gotland, Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, the Oder, Vistula, Bug, Neman, Emajõgi and Daugava Rivers, Lakes Peipus, Pihkva and Vörtsjäve, the Masurian District Lakes including Lake Jeziorak, Lake Łańskie and Lake Śniardwy and Lakes Snudy/Strusto, Miastra, Batorino, Lukomshoye and Selyava in Belarus. Ports include Tallinn, Estonia; Riga, Latvia; Gydnia and Gdansk, Poland and Kaliningrad, Russia.
Availability: Out of stock
Mapa wybrzeża wschodniej Azji — od Władywostoku w Rosji do delty rzeki Mekong. Mapa obejmuje Wyspy Japońskie, Półwysep Koreański, Tajwan, Brunei i Filipiny oraz porty w Szanghaju, Dalian, Hongkongu i Pusan.