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Havneguiden 6 Danmark og sydvestlige Sverige
"Harbour Guide 6" Denmark and Southwest Sweden
This harbour guide covers all of Denmark except Bornholm.
In addition the Swedish west coast from Skanör in the south to Gothenburg in the north is included.
Bornholms and Swedens south and east coasts are covered by Hamnguiden 7 (Swedish text)
In this 3rd edition of the Harbour Guide Denmark and Southwest Sweden all information on each port is updated. In addition the author has decided to include his own anchor symbols on maps and pictures. The symbols indicate which berth you can assign when you arrive in port so that you are best prepared.
In the text you will also find information on the maximum size of ships allowed to enter the port.
We have mentioned both ports and anchorageseach port is presented on a full page of the book.
Help pictures and map drawings and texts give you good and useful information.
The text of each port is divided into a general and a maritime section.
The general section contains information about the place you are visiting with a brief historical background
Further it tells you where and how to moor when to enter and any special conditions around the port.
The address of the sites and the phone number of the port can be found in the info box at the bottom of the page and are updated in this edition. Here you will also find a brief overview of what the port has to offer.
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1Skład zestawu: 2 x trójkąt nawigacyjny 33 cm + ołówek 2B Faber Castell + 1 przenośnik mosiądz niklowany w pokrowcu