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Bangladesz - flaga • Rozmiar: 360 cm • Materiał: Poliester 115 gr
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Availability: Out of stock
The *Organization and Management* volume discusses the global search and
rescue (SAR) system concept, establishment and improvement of national
and regional SAR systems, and cooperation with neighbouring States to
provide effective and economical SAR services.
A new edition of the IAMSAR Manual is published every three years. The
2022 edition includes amendments, adopted by the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) and approved by the Maritime Safety
Committee of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) at its 103rd
session in May 2021 by means of MSC.1/Circ.1640, which become applicable
on 1 June 2022.
Availability: Out of stock
(CLC), 1969 (1977 Edition)
The purpose of the 1969 CLC Convention is to provide uniform
international rules and procedures for determining questions of
liability and to ensure that adequate compensation is available to victims of oil pollution by placing the liability for compensation upon the owner of the ship. This edition also includes the 1976 Protocol to Revise the Unit of Account Provisions of CLC 1969.
Availability: Out of stock
Edycja: 2016/17