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Basic Documents: Volume I, 2018 Edycja
This edition incorporates amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization up
to December 2009. It also includes amendments to the Rules of Procedure of:
− the Assembly up to November 2015;
− the Council up to July 2017;
− the Maritime Safety Committee up to June 2017;
− the Legal Committee up to April 2017;
− the Marine Environment Protection Committee up to July 2017;
− the Technical Cooperation Committee up to July 2017;
− the Facilitation Committee up to June 2018; and
− Meetings under the London Convention, 1972 and the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention up to
November 2018.
to December 2009. It also includes amendments to the Rules of Procedure of:
− the Assembly up to November 2015;
− the Council up to July 2017;
− the Maritime Safety Committee up to June 2017;
− the Legal Committee up to April 2017;
− the Marine Environment Protection Committee up to July 2017;
− the Technical Cooperation Committee up to July 2017;
− the Facilitation Committee up to June 2018; and
− Meetings under the London Convention, 1972 and the 1996 Protocol to the London Convention up to
November 2018.
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