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Prevention of corrosion on board ships, 2010 Multilingual Edycja

Following the continuing loss, sometimes without a trace, of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes and
the heavy loss of life caused by such accidents, the IMO Assembly, in the early 90s, requested the
Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) to develop requirements for the design, construction, operation,
maintenance and survey of bulk carriers and specific precautionary measures with respect to type of
cargoes. Consequently, extensive deliberations of the issues involved took place at the MSC meetings
over a number of years and a raft of measures, many derived from Formal Safety Assessment (FSA)
studies conducted by various Member States of IMO, were considered. One of the many items on the
list was “Improved coatings: Controls and/or performance standards for protective coatings, in relation to
compatibility with cargoes”.
This publication contains performance standards and guidelines developed as a result of the above
This 2010 Edition reproduces English, French and Spanish official texts.
157,50 zł

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