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Revised Guidance on the National Implementation of the London Protocol, 2018 Edycja
This publication only constitutes guidance and is intended to assist national administrations in
implementing the London Protocol, whether they are currently Contracting Parties or simply interested in
becoming Parties. It is not to be construed as providing definitive interpretations of the Protocol or how
its provisions should be applied. It remains at all times the prerogative of Contracting Parties to interpret
the obligations to which they have become bound under the Protocol.
implementing the London Protocol, whether they are currently Contracting Parties or simply interested in
becoming Parties. It is not to be construed as providing definitive interpretations of the Protocol or how
its provisions should be applied. It remains at all times the prerogative of Contracting Parties to interpret
the obligations to which they have become bound under the Protocol.
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Availability: Out of stock
Edycja: 2022/23