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IMO Liability & Compensation Regime, 2018 Edycja
IMO Liability and Compensation Regime (2018 Edition)
IMO’s comprehensive liability and compensation regime has been developed by the Legal Committee
since its inception in 1967. It comprises liability and compensation for pollution incidents, wreck
removal and the carriage of passengers and their luggage.
In addition, the Legal Committee developed conventions relating to protection against pollution
incidents, empowering coastal States to intervene on the high seas and determining uniform
international rules regarding salvage operations. These conventions are closely linked to the liability and
compensation regime and have therefore also been included in this publication. This publication has
been developed to assist Member States with the effective and uniform implementation of IMO’s liability
and compensation regime. It provides a practical and comprehensive reference book for administrations,
non-governmental organizations and private companies alike.
IMO’s comprehensive liability and compensation regime has been developed by the Legal Committee
since its inception in 1967. It comprises liability and compensation for pollution incidents, wreck
removal and the carriage of passengers and their luggage.
In addition, the Legal Committee developed conventions relating to protection against pollution
incidents, empowering coastal States to intervene on the high seas and determining uniform
international rules regarding salvage operations. These conventions are closely linked to the liability and
compensation regime and have therefore also been included in this publication. This publication has
been developed to assist Member States with the effective and uniform implementation of IMO’s liability
and compensation regime. It provides a practical and comprehensive reference book for administrations,
non-governmental organizations and private companies alike.
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Availability: Out of stock
Kamizelka SKI 50N • Kolor: Czarny/Pomarańczowy • Wyporność: 50N • Waga: 70+ kg • Rozmiar: XL
Availability: Out of stock
Edycja: 2022