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e-book: Operational Use of ECDIS, 2012 Edition

e-book: Operational Use of ECDIS, 2012 Edition

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This model course is intended to provide the knowledge, skill and understanding of ECDIS and electronic charts to the thorough extent needed to safely navigate vessels whose primary means of navigation is ECDIS. The course emphasizes both the application and learning of ECDIS in a variety of underway contexts.

The course is designed to meet the STCW requirements in the use of ECDIS, as revised by the 2010 Manila Amendments.

It should be understood that this is a generic course which requires a structured and complementary on-board ship specific ECDIS familiarization for each shipboard ECDIS system on which the navigating officer serves.

Those who successfully complete the course should be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge to undertake the duties assigned under the SSP.

146,19 zł

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