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Map of European Waterways

A map and directory designed as a first source of information when planning a trip on the waterways of Europe.

Double -sided. Side one- Europe from Ireland and Portugal to the Caspian Sea - dimensions 1210 x 870 mm. Scale 1:4 000 000- enlargement on reverse, with unprecedented detail, covering Dublin to Bratislava on the Danube scale 1:1 500 000. Includes a brief description of waterways in each country, followed by addresses of waterway authorities, boating associations etc.

The directory describes the waterway network country by country and provides a mass of information of value to all those who are interested in inland navigation as a mode of transport, but also, for a growing number of enthusiasts - a way of life. The two maps (front and back of the sheet) cover the same areas as the previous edition: from Ireland and Portugal to the Caspian Sea and, on the other side, a significantly enhanced map covering the denser part of the network, from Dublin to Bratislava on the Danube. The booklet accompanying the map includes many colour photos and larger-scale maps of particular areas.
112,00 zł

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