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NV. Italy IT 4, Sardinia West- atlas map

Edycja: 2023


The Sardinian west coast should not be visited without the IT4. The set of charts starts below the town of Costa Paradiso, which bears the same name as the coast. The Gulf of Asinara begins with the wonderful harbour of Porto di Castelsardo. It is only a few nautical miles to the magical Stintino on a westerly course. If you want to circumnavigate the former penal colony Isola Asinara, you can simply shorten it with the passagio dei Fornelli. You should also set a course for the beautiful Sinis peninsula. There are hardly any harbours or bays along the way, especially since the waves and the underwater cliffs make approaching difficult. At Cap San Marco in the Golfo di Orsitano you can find shelter from the west wind. The next destinations are the two charming offshore islands Isola di San Pietro and Isola di Sant'Antioco. Even in the off-season, a trip is very possible due to the pleasant climate of Sardinia.

Thanks to the clear structure the skipper can quickly find approaches, harbours and anchorages and is informed of important navigational details that also appear in the NV Charts app. The chart series impresses with its optimal scales and balanced sheet cuts.

This chart set contains

4 Passage Charts
12 Coastal Charts
19Details Charts
Code for the app
Digital charts & navigation programme
Paper harbour plans & Digital
Navigation instructions in English and Italian
Meets legal requirements for up-to-date paper charts on board
319,00 zł

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e-reader: SAR Convention,...
  • Niedostępny
Availability: Out of stock
This e-reader is accessed using The IMO Bookshelf. Providing a framework for carrying out search and rescue operations following accidents at sea, this revision includes amendments to the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979 which were adopted by resolution MSC.155(78) in May 2004. These amendments come into force on 1 July 2006.


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