NV. Italy IT 3, Sardinia East - atlas map

Edycja: 2023


Sardinia is calling! The IT3 map set introduces you to the east coast of Sardinia with the Costa Smeralda the Golfo di Orosei and the Costa del Sud with helpful tips. Caution is advised when passing through the Strait of Bonifacio as the wind and waves between Corsica and Sardinia are brisk. Plus 3 i.e. three wind forces more than outside the strait is a common rule there. The north-east is characterised by the rocky island world of the Maddalena archipelago. Around Olbia is the centre of Sardinian yacht tourism. Everywhere you look there are wonderful anchorages to linger in and there is no shortage of harbours either.
The further south you travel along the east coast the quieter it gets. The Gulf of Orosei is an Eldorada for nature lovers with wild and romantic rocky beaches shaped by the foothills of the Supramonte mountain range. The Costa del Sud shines with endless white sandy beaches and dunes up to 30m high. The Caribbean of Europe welcomes you! Wind by the way always blows in Sardinia but more moderately in the east. Instead there are plenty of shoals and rocks that demand a high level of attention.

Thanks to the clear layout the recreational skipper can quickly find approaches harbours and anchorages and is alerted to navigationally important details that also appear in the nv charts app. The chart series impresses with its optimal scales and balanced page cuts.

This chart set contains

4 Passage Charts
9 Coastal Charts
24Details Charts
Code for the app
Digital charts & navigation programme
Paper harbour plans & Digital
Navigation instructions in English and Italian
Meets legal requirements for up-to-date paper charts on board
Tax included
Obecnie brak na stanie

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