NV Atlas Italy - IT 1 - Menton to Elba

Edycja: 2023


Anyone traveling from the Côte d’Azur to the Italian Riviera should have the IT1 in their luggage. La Dolce Vita presents itself here especially in the harbours. Porto Sole in San Remo is - from France - the first port that you can approach. From the water, the rugged coast and the enchanting sea villages have a special charm. One of the most beautiful places is Finale Ligure on the Palm Riviera. Along the coast there are delightful harbours and the usual Bagnos on the beaches in Italy. What also attracts is the six largest city in Italy, Genoa - the birthplace of Christopher Columbus - in which there are many berths in the inner city area. Also worth a detour is Portofino, located in the Gulf of Tigullio, a picturesque fishing village that became famous as a society hotspot. Famous seaside resorts such as Rapello and Sestri Levante follow until you reach the Cinque Terre coast, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. As a large Tuscan port city, Livorno with ferry connections to Bastia, Barcelona and Tangier also has many berths. This set of charts also include two offshore islands: Gorgona, the seat of an agricultural penal colony that can only be visited with a reservation, and Capraia, the only volcanic island in the Tuscan archipelago. As the last destination of this set of charts, you should pay a visit to the third largest Italian island of Elba, which has six harbours and numerous anchorages and is very popular among sailors.

Thanks to the clear structure the skipper can quickly find approaches, harbours and anchorages and is informed of important navigational details that also appear in the NV Charts app. The chart series impresses with its optimal scales and balanced sheet cuts.

This chart set contains

4 Passage Charts
19Coastal Charts
37 Details Charts
Code for the app
Digital charts & navigation programme
Paper harbour plans & Digital
Navigation instructions in English and Italian
Meets legal requirements for up-to-date paper charts on board
Tax included
Obecnie brak na stanie

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