NV Atlas France - FR 10 - Toulon to Menton - Monaco

Edycja: 2023


You can travel the beautiful Côte d’Azur with our chart series FR10. It starts in the port city of Toulon, which is considered to be an important naval base in France. Surrounded by gently wooded hills, the view from the water is fantastic. In Toulon and on the offshore peninsula, we present you four detailed harbours. From Toulon to the east, many charming places invite you to linger. There are numerous wonderful harbours, restaurants and good shopping opportunities. In summer it is not a bad idea to reserve berths in advance, otherwise you can anchor in various bays. Also in the off-season you can enjoy the Côte d’Azur and its fantastic scenery. The Hyères islands Porquerolles and Port Cros are another highlight between Toulon and Saint Tropez. Back on the coast, a bay at the Plage de Pampelonne behind Cap Camarat offers the opportunity to eat at the beach clubs and to anchor there. In addition to Saint Tropez, Port Grimaud invites you to a visit as it’s called the Venice of France. There are great anchorages between the islands of Marguerite and Ile Saint Honorat. When sailing around Cap Ferrat, you can admire the beautiful nature and villas that blend in with the hilly landscape. There are also numerous anchorages in idyllic bays.

Thanks to the clear structure, the skipper can quickly find approaches, harbours and anchorages and is informed of important navigational details that also appear in the NV Charts app. The chart series impresses with its optimal scales and balanced sheet cuts.

This chart set contains

3 Passage Charts
14 Coastal Charts
53 Details Charts
Code for the app
Digital charts & navigation programme
Navigation instructions in English and French
Paper harbour plans & Digital
Meets legal requirements for up-to-date paper charts on board
Tax included
Obecnie brak na stanie

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