Harbour Guide: Croatia-Montenegro-Slovenia

Edycja: 2016


English language edition of the Skagerrak Forlags Harbour Guide Slovenia Croatia and Montenegro covering the coasts of these countries and their islands.

330 Harbours
Protected Natural Moorings

Each harbour is presented on its own page with specially produced aerial photographs annotated to show approach lines and anchorages supported by clear harbour plans a fact box and sailing instructions.

Aerial photographs give a quick overview of the character of the harbour its atmosphere facilities and fairways danger points and moorings. Depths skerries and shoals are clearly marked. Large-scale plans one per harbour include depths safest approaches and berth details.

Each harbour text is divided into two sections: a general overview describing the history and landscape of the area and information on what to see and do when thereand a berth section with information on how to approach and what hazards to look out for and where it is safe and sheltered.
Fact boxes give a quick overview of the harbour facilities useful websites and contact details.

As a supplement to the Habrour Guide Croatia we recommend the map sets NV Atlas Croatia HR 1 and NV Atlas Croatia HR 2 .

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