e-reader: SAR Mission Coordinator (IAMSAR Manual, Volume II), 2020 Edition

e-reader: SAR Mission Coordinator (IAMSAR Manual, Volume II), 2020 Edition

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This course provides specific training for those who may be designated to perform the duties and responsibilities of a search and rescue mission coordinator (SMC) at a maritime or joint rescue coordination centre or sub-centre for a search and rescue (SAR) incident, and is based on the content of the 2019 edition of IAMSAR Manual Volume II. The course highlights SMC-relevant issues for the organization of a maritime SAR service in general, and assists States in meeting their own SAR needs, and the obligations they accepted under the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979, as amended, together with the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended.

This model course is one of a set of three based on the three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual: Model Course 3.13 SAR Administration, is intended for government administration and management as discussed in IAMSAR Manual Volume I; and Model Course 3.15 SAR On-scene Coordinator, is intended for mobile SAR response facilities as discussed in IAMSAR Manual Volume III. Together, the three model courses for the three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual provide a full view of the global and national SAR system.

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