NV Atlas Serie 2 - Lübecker Bucht - Bornholm - Kopenhagen - atlas map

Edition: 2023


The NV Atlas Series 2 accompanies you from the Bay of Lübeck along the Mecklenburg coast, cutting into Rügen, to Bornholm. From there it goes via southern Sweden to Malmö and Copenhagen southeast via Moen, Falster and Lolland to Fehmarn back to the starting point. Wonderful trips are guaranteed with this chart series. Series 2 is suitable for those water sports enthusiasts who feel at home on the Baltic Sea and who want to get to know our delightful Baltic Sea with trips to Denmark and Sweden.

The handy recreational boat charts are a set of charts specially designed for recreational boating. Charts for the Lübeck Bay - Bornholm sea area include nautical charts in various scales as well as all port plans and details for approaches and passages in the waters. In addition clearance heights for bridges power lines etc. as well as all nautical and navigational information are included. Thanks to the clear structure the skipper can quickly find accesses harbours and anchorages and is pointed to navigationally important details that also appear in the nv charts app. The chart series impresses with its optimal scales and balanced page cuts.

This chart set includes

9 Passage Charts
8 Coastal Charts
15 detail charts
Code for nv charts App 365 days licence
new: Vector charts download
nv charts app and navigation software
Harbour Pilot in paper/digital in German and English
Navigation instructions in German
Meets legal requirements for up-to-date paper charts on board
Tax included
Last items in stock

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